Cheap Wedding Favors

It’s not hard to find cheap wedding favors at least if you’re doing these with your own hands! In fact, it’s a really easy thing to do these and we’re sure that you’re not going to find any difficulties while you’re going them.
In the lines to come we’re going to offer you some tips on how you can save money and having some really interesting wedding favors on the table in the same time.
We start with our first suggestion which isn’t hard to realize at all, in fact you need only patience and a lot of jars! What exactly do you need in order to realize these great looking wedding favors?

Well, you need a jam or marmalade jar, some vintage looking knitted fabric and a string. Take the jar and begin wrapping it around with the piece of fabric that was mentioned about previously. Wrap around this jar a string and end up with making a nice bow. We’re sure that you like all these details pretty much and you have to make some calculations in order to see just how cheap these wedding favors are.
Another neat idea is definitely this one! Take some orange peels and begin cutting them into small pieces, small and in the shape of a cube in the same time. This wedding favor that we’re suggesting to you is going to be really good smelling.
So, begin cutting a lot of orange peels and maybe some lemons as well. Continue with placing them on a piece of napkin in order for their juice to be taken away, but don’t worry because the nice smell will still remain.

The next thing is to place these pieces of orange peel in the semi transparent piece of knitted fabric that’s the same as in the case of the one presented above. Wrap this small bag around and you’re going to end up with a really nice looking and good smelling wedding favor.
Take colored pieces of paper and take the shape of butterflies and draw on them. Begin cutting these papers with the help of a pair of scissors and you may also apply for adding your thoughts on these small butterflies. This is indeed another nice idea and we’re sure that you’re going to like it pretty much and it’s really cheap and easy to realize in the same time. So, how about it?


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